Presentation is part of it...
How often do we get
into the mode of just get her done, and forget about the way it looks? For me it all the time! Housework, myself, as well as my work. So many times I will make a beautiful piece
of jewelry and not take the time to take a picture that will present and
showcase for the best. Here are a few
examples of what I mean.
On the left with the burlap is how I posted it onto facebook! I think back now & wonder why did I do that? Really! If my goal is to sell the bracelet, why do this?
Obviously I was in a
get her done kind of mode. I got the
picture, but I did not do the bracelet justice.
It looks bla to say the least.
The next two photos are much better.
They actually show case the bracelet. Being aware of the lighting and the background were also a factor.
By all means I am
well aware that I am NOT a photographer at all!
(So be kind & do not remind me!)
I am just saying, (mostly to myself) slow down, you have made something
pretty, now show it as pretty!
I have also found through a lot of trial and error that outdoor filtered light works best for me. With all my jewelry having an organic & earthy feel to it I like to use natural backgrounds.
Here is another of my bracelets that I took on three diffrent backgrounds. What do you think is the better look.
I am intrested in your thoughts. Please feel free to leave a comment. Both of these bracelets are one of a kind, in inventory and ready to ship! Just contact me.